P L A Y   H O U S E   S C H O O L


Fees Structure

Fees are to be paid in 3 instalments. The 1st instalment includes April, May, June & July.

  • The admission fee to be paid once at the time of admission. This is non-refundable.
  • Fees are charged for the academic year. (April- March) irrespective of the date of admission. The admission fee includes: Stationery, Apparatus, Maintenance & replacement of educational aid and equipment, term fees etc.
  • Fees once submitted will not be refunded.
  • The Fee instalments includes
    • a. Tuition Fee
    • b. Activity Fee
  • The fees are to be deposited by cheque or cash in the school office by the 15th April, August & November, failing which a late fee will be charged. In case of withdrawals parents / guardians are requested to give a notice / information to the school authorities one month in advance.
  • The very condition of admission will be that the parents / guardians will comply strictly with the rules & regulations contained in the prospectus and on payment of the fees and all other charges laid down. Any future changes in rules / fee structure will also be binding on them.
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